
current + upcoming exhibitions

Controllables: Work from SOIL's Newest Members at SOIL Gallery in Seattle, WA • 1/2 - 2/6

STöR at BaseCamp Studios in Seattle, WA • 12/6 - 1/10

SOIL at TLAXCALA3 in Mexico City, Mexico • 2/6 - 3/6

selected exhibitions

SOIL inCarnation at Carnation Contemporary, Oregon Contemporary in Portland
Installation at PCNW's Photo Zine Fest
Cook Out at Space Gallery
Precious, Precious, Unprecious with Craig Mammano at Hedreen Gallery
Soft Touch at Museum of Museums
LA Art Book Fair with Angel Tears at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA in LA
Soft Library at the Seattle Art Book Fair
The Trophy Room at The Factory Seattle  
Ball Pit at Seattle Art Museum  
Destinations' Wedding Chapel with Mary Anne Carter at Mount Analogue 
Conversations with Women Series via Mount Analogue   You Think You Know What You Like But You Don’t at Tuf Fest  
Morning Noon and Night at Base Art Space


Colleen, available at your local bookshop and at After Hours Editions
Poultry in Motion, Factory Hollow Press

writing + interviews

12 or 20 Questions with Rob MclennonThey Invite the Audience to be a Part of Them: An Interview with Colleen Louise Barry and Kate DurbinFake It Until You Feel It: In Conversation with Sarah Jean Alexander Chosen by Readers: James TateSeven poems in A Dozen NothingThree poems in The Biscuit HillOne poem in Everything Is So MuchThree poems in A Dozen Nothing • 'Fumetti for the Mothership' with Stephanie Passantino from Mount Analogue • 'Mast Year' with Caroline Belle Stewart from Mount Analogue • jubilat 28 and 32Poetry NorthwestTampa ReviewSixth FinchCold Cube 03 and 04Oroboros MagazineTagvverkBlush LitProfound ExperienceDivine Magnet Review of ‘Lightning Snake’ (Cold Cube Press) at Seattle Review of Books • Angel Tears eZines 

interdisciplinary publishing / curatorial projects

Mount Analogue 
Angel Tears  
Gramma Poetry


Middle School Art Teacher, Westside School • 2021-2024
Scribes Instructor, Hugo House • 2019
Instructor, English Composition and Rhetoric + Contemporary Poetry, University of Massachusetts Amherst • 2012-2016

As a part of my work with middle schoolers, I have organized two exhibitions of young people's artworks in the Emergence Room at the Museum of Museums: Emergent Attitudes ~ A Middle School Art Show, which was co-curated with my 8th grade capstone students, and Imaginary Lands ~ Works from Kindergarten-8th Grade Artists, which was co-curated with fellow art teacher Gina Griffiths. 

selected press

VoyageLA  Seattle Met  The Stranger  Seattle Magazine  City Arts

other internet homes

Instagram   Disposable Camera Diary  Spotify    

a few images